Monday, 25 August 2014

You can pick Coconut Oil up from pretty much anywhere, I get mine from amazon for something like £3.30, which considering how many uses it has it a pretty darn good deal! It comes in solid form, and all I do to get it to its oily loveliness is rub is around in the palms of my hands for a few seconds and its all ready to go!  Use Coconut...

Sunday, 24 August 2014

I'm not opposed to a good ole' jumper, and these are seriously in risk of being added to my collection... Is anyone else with me on that H&M is the best place going for finding that perfect jumper?  Orange Ribbed Knit Jumper  Mustard Cable Knit Navy Cable Knit Cream Rip-Knit Navy and Cream Floral Jumper Grey Slouch...

Saturday, 23 August 2014

*Queue the most personal post I will probably ever write* Being okay with you, and who you are is something I'm sure we all come to terms with eventually, and as the wise of Rafiki would say, the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.  Sometimes things happen, and somethings lots of things happen,...

Friday, 22 August 2014

As like most people, I won't say no to a little bit of Soap and Glory but I can't say I've ever branched out from the realms of body butters and lotions, until now. I purchased the Peaches and Clean Cleanser after reading a few decent reviews and since getting so sick of the pesky little spots that just keep popping up uninvited on my face.  I...

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Dupe Alert I've been using Rimmel Stay Matte for a long long time now, since I was about 13/14, as I'm sure all of you know, its fab...but I think I've found something better! The new(ish) Maybelline 24hr Stay Powder is seriously, seriously good. Amazing coverage for a powder, comparable to Studio Fix Powder from Mac, not so great range of colours,...